Frequently Asked Questions

Accessing SAGE & THYME training

How can my organisation access the SAGE & THYME training?

Option 1: Organisations can have their own staff trained to run the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshops (in a SATFAC course). They also need to purchase a licence from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.  Find out more here.

Option 2: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust can run a SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop on your organisation’s premises/hired venue or run a SAGE & THYME Online workshop on Zoom for you.

How can I access SAGE & THYME training as an individual?

You can book a space on a SAGE & THYME Foundation Level/Online workshop - see info under courses.

About the licence

Do I need to apply for an organisational licence or a network licence?

If you are only intending to teach the SAGE & THYME foundation level workshop to your own organisation's staff, students and volunteers, then you should apply for an organisational licence.

If you wish to train staff, students and volunteers in your organisation AND in other organisations too (e.g. local hospices, other NHS Trusts, GP practices, care homes) then you will need a network licence.

The application process for both types of licence is the same - you will just need to list the organisations to be covered by the licence in the application form, if you need a network licence.  The majority of the terms are the same in both types of licence, but note that the licence fee is different - see prices.

For more info see our licence page.

Can one organisation hold a licence on behalf of a number of organisations?

Yes.  This organisation will have the legal responsibility for complying with the licence terms and will need to keep records on all workshops run.  The licence fee will be based on the number of workshops run per year - see prices.

How is the licence renewed?

It is renewed automatically from one year to the next unless either party (Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) or your organisation) gives notice to terminate it at least one month before the licence anniversary.  MFT will contact you a few weeks before the anniversary to arrange for an invoice to be sent for the next year’s licence fee.

Can a facilitator be named on more than one licence?

Yes.  A person does not need to be an employee of the licensee in order to be named on the licence as an authorised facilitator.

About being a SAGE & THYME facilitator

Can we run a SAGE & THYME foundation level workshop using only two authorised facilitators, with the healthcare professional role being performed by a participant?

No.  We appreciate that using three facilitators is resource intensive,  but it ensures workshop is run effectively - the person acting as the healthcare professional needs to understand the SAGE & THYME model and what the workshop is aiming to teach.  Also, all SAGE & THYME evidence is based on a workshop run by three facilitators.

I want to become a SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop facilitator and have attended a workshop in my organisation/elsewhere - why do I also need to attend a workshop run by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT)?

To become an authorised facilitator, you need to see a workshop taught exactly as intended by MFT.  If you have attended a workshop elsewhere previously, then attending a MFT run workshop will be good revision of the SAGE & THYME model, which should make it easier for you to pass the SATFAC course.

I am a freelance trainer - can I be trained to run SAGE & THYME workshops?

In theory, you can pay to attend a SAGE & THYME Foundation Level/Online workshop and also a SATFAC/Online SATFAC course, and if you pass the SATFAC course, you will be qualified to run the workshops.

To run the workshops, you will need two other SAGE & THYME facilitators to work with, and also a licence to run the workshops and use the delegate packs.

It is possible to be named as an 'authorised facilitator' on another organisation's licence.  However, the SAGE & THYME team are not aware of many organisations paying freelance trainers to run the workshops: nearly all use their own trained employees, or share facilitators with a neighbouring organisation.

Intellectual property

How do I write 'SAGE & THYME' if I am referring to it in a paper or report?

'SAGE & THYME' is a registered trade mark belonging to Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.  Therefore the words should always be in capitals with an ampersand in between them.

Can I use the SAGE & THYME logo?

The SAGE & THYME logo is a registered trade mark owned by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.  Therefore, permission must be sought before using the logo in any publications, reports, web sites, presentations or otherwise.

Can I reproduce any of the SAGE & THYME training materials?

As the materials have copyright protection, you need to seek permission from us first - please contact us with details on what you wish to reproduce and why.

Where have the images on this web site come from?

Most of the images belong to us or we have permission from the creators (e.g. members of staff) to use them.  Those that aren't ours are from Pixabay and are used under their 'free for use' Content License, or from iSTOCK under a purchased licence.


What is my username for accessing the trainer area of the website?

It is usually your firstname.surname (so Jane Smith's username would be jane.smith).

I can't remember my password for the trainer area of the website.

Please email to get your password reset.

Why am I asked for a purchase order (PO) number when booking training, applying for a licence, or ordering packs?

Many organisations will not pay an invoice, if an order has not been made in advance of the invoice being received.  The majority of NHS organisations now need an order to be made for training / a licence / reminder cards.  When the order is placed, a purchase order (PO) number is raised.  This should be given to the supplier (i.e. Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, MFT) who will then quote this PO number on the invoice.  MFT therefore asks customers to check whether a PO number is required (and if it is, to get one by raising an order).  MFT will not book training or supply reminder cards, without either being given a PO number, or being informed that a PO number is not required, first.

Which organisations teach people to become SAGE & THYME Facilitators?

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust is the only organisation that teaches people to become SAGE & THYME Facilitators (i.e. it is the only organisation that runs the SATFAC and Online SATFAC courses).  If your organisation is a public body, then depending on the value of our quote, procurement rules may require you to complete a single tender waiver before you can gain a purchase order number to pay for the training.