Training materials updated

We are pleased to announce that we have updated the SATFAC pack, SAGE & THYME Foundation Level and Online workshop slides, and the recording of the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level presentation.

As the SAGE & THYME community knows, we do make changes to our teaching materials over time, to reflect what we have learned, new ideas we have, feedback we have received and new evidence in the literature.

We are pleased to announce that we have made the following updates:

SATFAC pack (given to people attending the SATFAC course)

Total refresh and update including new resources and clarification on the 'Y' and 'M' or SAGE & THYME and the new core skills.

SAGE & THYME Foundation Level and Online workshop slides

These now include the new core skills of listening and responding.

Recording of SAGE & THYME Foundation Level presentation

This now includes how the core skills are taught.

Existing SAGE & THYME facilitators will be informed of the detailed changes via our SAGE & THYME update for August.

They can find the new slides and recording in the Trainer Area of the web site.

They have also been informed about how they can get a copy of the new printed SATFAC pack.

Front cover of new 2024 printed SATFAC pack